Cadet Academy


The South Carolina Law Cadet Academy was started in 1973 with the cooperation of The American Legion Department of South Carolina and the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. In the early years, this program was held at Ft. Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina. Since 1975, it has been housed at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy Columbia, South Carolina.

Over a thousand young individuals have participated, and have gone on to make careers in Law Enforcement, how about you!


The American Legion Department of South Carolina with over 19,000 Legionnaires and its 166 American legion posts throughout South Carolina is proud to be a co-sponsor of this program. The American Legion is the largest war time veterans organization in the state, nation, and the world. It is made up of 55 Departments world wide and over 2.0 million Legionnaires.

This Law Cadet Academy program is just one of four major children and youth programs that it sponsors. The others are Oratorical Contest, Boys State, and American Legion Baseball.

The South Carolina Law Cadet Academy is assigned to The American Legion’s Americanism Commission, with a standing committee of 3 rotating Legionnaires and numerous assistants.

The individual American Legion Posts sponsor individual youth to participate in this week of fun and excitement. The average number youth has increased over the years to the maximum of 65 participants. If interested contact you local American Legion post for further information.

We thank everyone for their time and talents in supporting the Law Cadet Academy.

